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pycharm-bin JetBrain\'s python IDE
python-mode Emacs mode for editing python files
pythontidy Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts
qbzr GUI front end for Bazaar
qconf Configure script generator for qmake
qjson Qt library for handling JSON data
qore-uuid-module UUID module for Qore
qtscriptgenerator Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
quilt Tools to manage series of patches
R-assertthat Easy pre and post assertions
R-BH Boost C++ header files
R-bindr Parametrized active bindings
R-bit Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
R-bit64 S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers
R-blob Simple S3 class for representing vectors of binary data ('BLOBS')
R-brio Basic R Input Output
R-callr Call R from R
R-caTools Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc
R-checkmate Fast and versatile argument checks
R-cli Helpers for developing command line interfaces
R-cliapp Create Rich Command Line Applications
R-clipr Read and write from the system clipboard
R-covr Test Coverage for Packages
R-crayon Colored terminal output
R-cyclocomp Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
R-desc Manipulate DESCRIPTION files
R-devtools Tools to make developing R packages easier
R-diffobj Diffs for R Objects
R-evaluate Parsing and evaluation tools
R-fansi ANSI control sequence aware string functions
R-fs Cross-platform file system operations based on 'libuv'
R-git2r Provides access to Git repositories
R-glue Interpreted string literals
R-ini Read and write '.ini' files
R-inline Functions to inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
R-IRdisplay Jupyter display machinery
R-IRkernel Native R kernel for the Jupyter notebook
R-iterators Provides iterator construct
R-lazyeval Lazy (non-standard) evaluation
R-lifecycle Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
R-lintr 'Linter' for R Code
R-magrittr Forward-pipe operator for R
R-memoise Memoisation of functions
R-mockery Mocking Library for R
R-pkgbuild Find tools needed to build R packages
R-pkgconfig Private configuration for R packages
R-pkgKitten Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks
R-pkgload Simulate package installation and attach
R-plogr The 'plog' C++ logging library
R-prettycode Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal
R-proto Prototype object-based programming
R-purrr Functional programming tools
R-R6 Encapsulated classes with reference semantics
R-rcmdcheck Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture results
R-Rcpp Seamless R and C++ integration
R-rematch Match regular expressions with a nicer API
R-rematch2 Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
R-remotes R package installation from remote repositories, including 'GitHub'
R-repr Serializable representations
R-rex Friendly Regular Expressions
R-rio Swiss-army knife for data I/O
R-rlang Functions for base types and core R and 'Tidyverse' features
R-roxygen2 In-line documentation for R
R-rprojroot Finding files in project subdirectories
R-RUnit R functions implementing a standard Unit Testing framework
R-rversions Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
R-sessioninfo R session information
R-tcltk2 Tcl/Tk additions
R-testthat Unit testing for R
R-tidyselect Select from a set of strings
R-tinytest Lightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework
R-usethis Automate package and project setup
R-uuid Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs
R-waldo Find Differences Between R Objects
R-whisker 'mustache' for R, logicless templating
R-withr Run code 'with' temporarily modified global state
R-xfun Miscellaneous functions by 'Yihui Xie'
radamsa General-purpose fuzzer
radare2 Reverse engineering framework
radare2-cutter Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
ragel State machine compiler
rainbow-delimiters-el Emacs mode for colorful parentheses highlighting
range-v3 Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for std::ranges in C++20
rapidsvn Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratfor Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran
RBTools Tool to submit patches to a Review Board
rcs GNU Revision Control System - version control software
rdp Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers
RE-flex Fast lexical analyzer generator for C++ with full Unicode support
re2 Regular expression library
re2c Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
readline GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
rebar Rebar is an Erlang build tool
rebar3 Erlang build tool
refinecvs Convert CVS repository to SVN dump
reftools Go refactoring tools
remake GNU make with debugger
Renaissance Structured GNUstep user interface development framework
reposurgeon Tool for editing version-control repository history
rgbds Assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color